For Children (3-13 y.o.)
The future offers complex challenges and it is important to give to future generation innovative method to tackle. The TDSFC proposes formats addressed to kids and young teenagers to let them the possibility of seeing the world with new eyes and to think out of the box.
Design Jams
Design Jams are activities characterized by improvisation and fast prototyping. A design jam lasts about 4 hours and kids are divided into groups of 3-5 kids and the aim is to teach how to move from an idea generation to a prototype testing session. It is an activity aimed to encourage participant to assume others point of view, stimulate empathy, understand problem complexity and rapidly act designing significant solutions for the users. This type of initiative is the first step to let participants get closer to Design Thinking.
Workshops & Summer Schools
Workshops and Design Summer Schools are activities that last for a few days to weeks. The phases of a workshop are the same as a design jam, but workshops explore more in details each phase of the Design Thinking process. They allow participants to be more aware of what they are designing and to evaluate critically the idea. Workshops enable teamworking.
School Programs
School Programs are long courses of design that last for an extended period of time, sometimes also for the overall academic year. In this case, Design becomes a school subject like Math and English. During these programs, students have a deeper understanding of the subject and at the same time, their teachers learn a new methodology just following what students do.
For Educators & Teachers
Educators and teachers every day have to deal with new challenges. Teachers should be able to engage and understand students need in order to propose and design a proper educative path. TDSC formats addressed to educators and teachers proposed path and support in order to implement the traditional educative methods with Design Thinking and design methods.
Design Jams
Design Jams are activities characterized by improvisation and fast prototyping. A design jam lasts about 4 hours and the aim is to teach how to move from an idea generation to a prototype testing session. It is an activity aimed to encourage participant to assume others point of view, stimulate empathy, understand problem complexity and rapidly act designing significant solutions for the users. This type of initiative is the first step to let participants get closer to Design Thinking.
Workshops and Design Summer Schools are activities that last for a few days to weeks. The phases of a workshop are the same as a design jam, but workshops explore more in details each phase of the Design Thinking process. They allow participants to be more aware of what they are designing and to evaluate critically the idea. Workshops enable teamworking.
The TDSFC proposes tutoring and support during the scholastic year to teachers who want to implement their own educative methods with an innovative design approach.